Monday, October 6, 2008

Silence is Golden you hear that? Silence. Ahhhhh. No whining. No fussing. No tattling. No I have to go now. Just pure silence. Oh, how I love it.

Today was the first day of fall break which put me in a great mood. A friend and I went shopping, out to lunch, then visited a spa. I think I liked lunch the best. Being able to actually enjoy your food, along with a conversation, is unheard of for a teacher when he/she is at school. By the time I get my kids started through the line, microwave my lean cuisine, take a much needed potty break, and wash my hands, I have about 12 minutes for lunch. There were three teachers in my family at one point. We always finished dinner first. Old habits are hard to break.

I saw businessmen eating lunch. The thought of being able to leave my place of employment, eat lunch, then return to finish the rest of the day is foreign to me. But it sure seems like a great life. My least favorite place in my school is the cafeteria. Or the boys' bathroom, depending on the day. Maybe they are about equal.

I do love my kids. I love my co-workers. I am thankful I have a job. I am thankful I am able to work.

But most of all, I am thankful for vacations from all of the above.

1 comment:

Mariaa said...

Hi, I'm a bit new to blogspot and I've been looking around for other teacher blogs to inspire me. I've been reading yours for a week or two and it made me chuckle today. I'm always starving when I get home from work, so today when I got in the door I promptly heated up a Lean Cuisine and scarfed it down in about 2 minutes without even realizing it. I'm always wishing I could spend more time on myself, but I guess in the meantime, the least we can do is laugh about it! Thanks for sharing :)