Sunday, June 29, 2008

Summers Off--Yeah Right!!

If anyone tells you that teachers get the summers off, do NOT believe them. Our school dismissed in May for summer, and I have already started working on my classroom for next year. I always thought that after a few years, I would find everything easier to do and in a much shorter time period. Well, so far, it hasn't worked out that way. I can't remember a summer in 23 years that I have not put in lots of days in the summer.

I wish I was one of those teachers (and they do exist) who can walk out of the door on the last day of school and never give it a thought until it's time to reopen for a new year in August. (This is the south--we go back when it is so hot you sweat when you step outside. Recess is LOTS of fun. And don't get me started on the smell of sweaty kids in the enclosed space of a classroom after recess! It's not pleasant.)

It's hard to enjoy a vacation when your mind is racing to think about all the things that must get done before school starts. If anyone knows a cure, let me know--I would PAY money for it.